
Wednesdays for Wyatt

Danielle, from Letting Go and Letting God gave birth to her son recently and has been denied a birth certificate. He LIVED and BREATHED for two whole minutes, but because of some changes that have basically redefined life in the state of Tennessee, Wyatt Nathaniel has been classified as a stillborn. Please click the button to amend this law to reach Danielle's goal of 1000 signatures on this petition! Thank you if you already have signed, and thank you for reading!

P.S. I read somewhere where it said it wouldn't hurt to sign it if you are not living in Tennessee - so if you are out of state, just sign it anyway... =)

Please pass this along to anyone you think might be moved to help out in this cause


Holly said...

I hope more people will sign!

Traci Michele said...

Thanks!!! I got Angie from Bring the Rain and Sarah Mae from Like a Warm Cup of coffee to post about it............ people are signing like WILDFIRE!!!! Thanks for caring!

Danielle said...

Thanks for posting about Wyatt again!

How are you doing? I'm on vacation, so I haven't had access to the internet. I'm going insane! LOL

Franchesca said...

Doing well, and hoping we get those signatures! =)

I know I go crazy without internet too! Hope you are enjoying your trip


Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO