
I'll admit I'm Rambling

I just can't wait to see you again... I thought about Jesus coming back all day and how then we could be together again... I just miss you. Then to top it off, the preacher, Brother Thompson preached about the second coming of Christ, imagine that. God must have knew I needed that. I hope it's sooner than later. Missing you like crazy.


Caroline said...

I have been thinking about the same thing so often. I really hope it's sooner than later. There are so much family in Heaven that I wanta see. I just know the way the world is now it can't be far off. At least I pray everyday that it is sooner. {{HUGS}}

Danielle said...

I used to be afraid Jesus would come back, because I didn't want to get "cheated" out of my life... I wanted him to come back when I was old and had a chance to live my life... How nieve was I?!

I can't wait for Christ to come back so my whole family can be together finally :)

So all my fellow "angel mommies" can be reunited with their babies...

Anchored By Hope said...

Franchesca, I wanted to tell you that I do understand so much what it feels like. Even this weekend, the fall leaves blowing around in the streets, reminded me so clearly of my baby girls. Sometimes they feel so close that I could almost touch their spirits, and sometimes I know they are off doing some wonderful task for the Lord. I'm praying for you, that you will have more of those heavenly touches, when you need them most.

Lauren said...

***sigh*** the cry of my heart ...

Beth said...

i just wanted you to know that i started reading your blog. i love your poetry and art. i have a nice thanksgiving poem that i found, that you might like. if you click on my page where it says "flowers for kathlyn" there is a picture of the poem close to the end of the page.

im so sorry about jenna. she's simply beautiful. i love her little bow.

with love...

Holly said...

I look forward to that day very much. I can't wait to be able to be with Jesus and my babies. It'll be the best day ever!

Karen said...

Every week in church I imagine what it will be like to see our George, and our miscarried baby I think of as Francis (maybe Frances?), again some day. Will they come to me, be brought to me? I wonder. All those family members and friends, all the holy people....but mostly, selfishly, I think of my babies.

Anonymous said...

I have never looked forward to that day more than the day Madelyn went to heaven. Suddenly life on earth seems so small, and I long for the day when we will all be reunited with our babies.

Laura said...

It makes me think of that song, "I can only imagine"- I think about it often.
Thinking of YOU!

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

I know what you mean about the missing...and the longing for His joyous return...

Love and Prayers...

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO