
I am thankful for...

I read Jen's blog for her precious Ella earlier today and I suddenly became aware of how blessed I am to be "surrounded" with this group of incredible women that I have met through the most unfortunate circumstances. I'd trade it all in a heartbeat (selfish, but true) to have my Jenna here, but I feel that I would be so lost without being able to connect with others who "get" this awful roller coaster of losing a child.

Jen had a beautiful post about being thankful in light of the holidays and how difficult they will be without our angels. She invited anybody who wants to, to play along. You can read her post about being thankful here.

Thank you, Holly, for the pictures you sent me of my Jenna's name! It was so unexpected and I heart surprises (who doesn't!)

I made a slide show of all the pictures of Jenna's name I have received (and made myself =))

Thank you, Lea for the angel wings
Thank you Bree for the Jenna's butterfly
Thank you MaryBeth for lighting a candle for my Jenna Belle
Thank you Carly for writing my Jenna's name in the sand

All of these have made my crying heart smile while my world has been shattered.


Lauren said...

how wonderful to have friends come along side you and help carry the burden... such a precious gift! Those pictures are lovely and I love the slideshow!

Jill said...

I too would trade it all in a heartbeat to have my angels with me, but I would be lost without this network of caring, supportive people. That I am so thankful for!

Jenna's pictures are lovely! xoxo

Christy said...

This network has done more for me than I can express. The words, the comfort...but I too would trade it. Thank you for your support, Francesca. I am thankful for our friendship.

Jen said...

hugs fran.. you are a great friend :) xoxo

Holly said...

I am definitely thankful for so many of the mommies I have met. You're welcome. :)

Karen said...

It's true. I can't imagine walking this path on my own. Finding all the babyloss blogging mums really kept me going through the first few months for sure. I think I'd have lost my mind back in July if I hadn't found Sally's blog and from there other mothers. Big (((hugs)))

Have you seen Ter's blog With An Angel on My Shoulder? I have her in my list (one of the ones that worked! sigh - I have technical difficulties adding blogs to that list sometimes). She has a bear that she's sending from babylost mum to babylost mum in Canada and the US. You can sign up to host Patches the bear if it interests you and she's going to follow where he goes from blogger to blogger.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. It is so amazing to see your baby's (babies') names written somewhere by someone else than you. It is so amazing just to know that someone else, somewhere else, was writing their names and thinking of them.

Danielle said...

I would be so lost without all my girls. I find this is where I come for support when I have a bad day... And also where I can't wait to post something amazing I want to share! I would also trade it all in an instant if Wyatt were here, we all would for our babies.

Courtney said...

I couldn't agree more, it has been amazing to have such a wonderful support group. Especially to get through the upcoming holidays.


Once A Mother said...

such beautiful tributes to your sweet Jenna

Ter said...

hi there, I saw that you entered to receive a visit from my bear Patches. I just wanted to welcome you and to offer my condolences for your loss. I am so sad that we have to meet because of such tragic losses, but I look forward to getting to know you here in bloggyville.

((many hugs))

Kristy said...

What beautiful momentos of Jenna's life. *hugs*

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Even in the midst of such great sorrow, there are things to be thankful for...and one of them is the gift of encouraging one another...the knowledge that we do not walk alone. I am so grateful for the beautiful women that I have met online. Even though it has been so many years since I've said good-bye to my babies, it has been a great blessing to me to share them in this place of compassion I have found among all of you.

Bless you...and thank you for sharing your heart...

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO