
More Closure

I finally got her death certificate. No idea why it took so long other than the fact that there was a hold up in Vital Statistics in Austin. Anyway, I wanted to jot this down. Remember this day. It was sad looking at it. I went to go pick them up and again that disbelief and awe struck me. But they recognized her life. It meant so much to see those 13 days on the certificate. I know that must sound absurd, but it just confirms the reality of her existence that often feels so far away. One day... one day... someday I will finish her scrapbook in a more healthy and capable mind and I think I am going to include a copy of her birth and death certificate along with her SS card. One day.


The Blue Sparrow said...

I remember how I felt the day I picked up Bryston's death certificate. So sad but also so greatful to have this slip of paper telling me that yes he in fact existed and that he in some small way was recognized. *HUGS*

Courtney said...

They mailed us the boys death certificates. We got them on V-day =( I remember the feeling all to well.

Many hugs

Caroline said...

Praying for you & {{{HUGS}}} my friend.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine how you feel about this...it gives some validation that she was here she was your baby girl. *hugs*

Once A Mother said...

I still haven't been able to work on Peyton's scrap book. I had ordered her birth certificate but they sent a death certificate instead. It felt cruel.
Thinking of you.

Kristy said...

I remember the day E's birth and death certificate arrived. It was the last solid piece of evidence that he lived and fought. It was so hard, not something any parent should have for their child. I still haven't ordered L's yet. I am afraid to do it, afraid to let go and do the very last thing that represents his short life. Its been 5 months tonight since we said good bye, maybe its time to do it. :(

Jill said...

I know what you mean about her life being recognized. I made a scrapbook and have my angels birth certificates and social security cards in it. I still have not received death certificates. It must have been hard to receive that. Jenna's 13 days will always be treasured.


Karen said...

Bittersweet. (((Hugs)))

Unknown said...

I know it means so much that you can have those certificates. I wish I had some for Hudson...

Holly said...

All I have for Carleigh is a death certificate. Since she was born still she doesn't get a birth certificate, which I think is a load of crap. Although the state of Ohio will give you a certificate of stillbirth if you ask for one. I asked and I'm still waiting for it. I may have to send them another request.

It is nice to have your baby's life recognized.

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO