

Returning to the backyard bliss of my childhood tonight was comforting. I was in the playground where I used to go as a teen and swing because I was bored. But today I was there, desperate for a sigh of relief from the relentless waves of grief. Relief from this thing I call the aftermath of my fate. Life without the one who was my purpose seems so shallow. I have daily reminders that pull me a million or so directions, urging me to continue in this unfortunate world.

For a split second, I was swinging.




I almost convinced myself that I could escape. Swinging has a whimsical likeness to it. The increasing speed and hustling wind against my face brought such an illusion of flight. I had a thought that if I could go high enough, I just might escape this harsh reality; this new normal as we like to say. I kept swinging because for a few moments my feet were off the ground that often required more of me than can be handled. The ground where we buried our firstborn. The ground where all my burdens would meet me when I stopped swinging.

And amid this useless wishing, the grace of God prevailed. I saw her in the sky. Flying to a faraway destination, no doubt a safe place. All alone, small and insignificant to this world, yet perfect. And in the blink of an eye she was gone. Just like that.

These feathered creatures remind me of her likeness. Her unfathomable beauty. The swift tenderness of their beings relates so perfectly to her fragile self. Now and then.

Words cannot begin to describe my agony tonight. I talk a lot about hope and I have it. But tonight my empty arms are crushing me.


Tina said...

I am so sorry your heart is so heavy right now. It is odd how we can have hope yet hurt so much at the same time. I am thinking of you and your sweet Jenna Belle. xx

Danielle said...

You write so beautifully. Yes, empty arms are crushing. It's a weight like I would have never been able to imagine. I feel like (Oh who's the guy doomed to carry the weight of the world on his back? Is it Atlas?) Well, I feel like I'd like to trade lives with him, as his job seems so much easier than ours. Hang in there. People keep telling me it gets easier... I'm still waiting :)

Karen said...


Holly said...

You can have all the hope in the world but still have those crushing moments.

Once A Mother said...

Oh, I so understand. Our empty arms can just crush any chances at feeling hope on the really bad days. Sending you hugs and thoughts and hoping you have been having some better days.

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO