
Happy Four Months, My Precious Jenna

It's hard to believe that she would have been four months today. They say time is your friend, but right now time feels like a thief. Taking me further and further away from the most precious moments of my life, spent with her. The doctors would tell us that she would have spent at least four months in the NICU. Something about this month made me think of that. I could have been bringing her home. Maybe.  

On her balloons, her daddy and me write messages to her. Who knows... Maybe God reads them to her? I think it's quite possible she enjoys these balloons in ways we cannot even imagine.

I got to tell her how much I love her...

How much I miss her...

and that I am so thankful I got to meet her...


Caroline said...

Praying for you so much & lots of {{HUGS}} I know that saying time heals things. Grief is tough my friend & I pray for all of you. I like the balloon idea. Someone told me it's good to write down your feelings like on the balloons. What awesome pics to & I think of you often !!

Tina said...

I wish you were bringing your precious Jenna home with you instead of sending balloons to her in Heaven. Thinking of you. xx

Catherine W said...

This is so, so beautiful Franchesca.
I think she knows. xo

Danielle said...

I've released balloons too... on Wyatt's due date. It made me feel so much better. It made our whole family (here) feel so much better. I wish you were bringing your sweet Jenna home instead of sending her balloons. But I like to think our babies know the things we do for them here. I bet the balloons made her smile :)

amy said...

Last-night I sat outside starring into the heavenly skies,
when coming out of the darkness i see with my squinting eyes
a tiny beautiful bird
i could not say even a single word...
she took away my breath with her glorious light,
she was an angel, i knew with all my might!
She sang a song so pure&sweet
as she landed by me&at my feet..
her beauty&song brought tears to my eyes,
I wondered why she would leave the heavenly skies.
She brought to me such PEACE& HOPE,
I knew right then i had reason to cope!
I had hope for what the future brings,
I knew all this as the little bird sings..
She told me about a garden I should create,
i knew this i had to do it just could not wait!
a garden made with HOPE&LOVE,
shared with my little bird sent from the heavens above...

Holly said...

Happy 4 months Jenna. The balloon release...so beautiful!!

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO