
For Layla

Many have probably heard the devastating news of the passing of Layla Grace. One of my dear friends, who I met through this community, Beth, suggested sending a hope collage box for each of the girls. A memory box for Layla, and something a little more fun and frilly for her sisters, who may feel a little behind the scenes.

I make these memory boxes for bereaved parents on the memorial site and was wondering if anyone would like to donate a small amount towards these three boxes for this family? The boxes are collaged with words usually chosen by the parents, but in this case, I'd love for anyone who'd like to donate any amount to suggest a few words for the memory boxes.

The memory boxes are $23 each (includes shipping), and they come in four different shapes. They are also lined with a decorative interior, each one unique and custom made.

If I ask too much, I do apologize, but I will be donating part of the cost as well. I actually live in the same area as this family and am going to try to attend her funeral service tomorrow morning. Her story hit really close to home, as she was also cared for at Texas Children's Hospital like my Jenna.

Here are some pictures of the memory boxes, for more information on these you can visit the memorial site.

If you know you would like to donate, please use the button below and specify the donation is for Layla Grace. You can leave the words that you would like to suggest for the boxes in the comments. Please also specify which words are for Layla and which ones are for her sisters.



Jill said...

What a wonderful idea! I would love to donate for Layla and her sisters. I clicked on the donate button and it takes me to Paypal homepage. What am I supposed to do from there. It is not the normal page that comes up for making a payment.

belle said...

you have such a tender heart!
please express to them that prayers are surrounding them from north carolina. ((((hugs)))))

Melissa said...

I sent you a little donation via paypal email.

You are so kind to do this, this kind of thing of course terrifies me and I applaud your strength to go and see them I am not sure I could do it. I can't think of words to add to the boxes as I am speechless over this.

Lori said...

I also would like to send a donation. I know that the kindness and love of *strangers* means the world at this time. I'm not all that literate about Paypal either, so, do I try to find you on there using your email address? If so, which email address? Bless your heart for going to support them.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a beautiful idea. I will send a donation. I am keeping her family in my prayers. Thank you for doing this.

MommyIvy said...

I dont have any money right now to donate, but I posted it to see if anyone else would like to. That is a great idea and I think it would be loved by them.

Maggie said...

Hi! I made a donation too! How wonderful of you to do this for them.

Holly said...

Sorry I missed this! I've been a little MIA!

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO