
The UPs in Grief

Butterfly Mommies is having a giveaway as a special way to get to know each other and connect...

Their prompt, What positive things have come from the loss of your baby(ies)?

A positive thing that has come as a direct result of losing Jenna, is the production of her memory Garden! I am beyond excited about it, so I thought I'd share about it for the giveaway.

Another positive thing that has been born out of this loss, is my blog design studio, called Small Bird Studio (named after my Jenna of course). I have discovered my LOVE for designing blogs... SO....MUCH...FUN!!!

well about the garden...

Saturday was the epitome of a perfect day for getting the Jenna garden started. I cannot describe in words how healing it was to be at the nursery (ironic to me that a place called a nursery is healing). I was there probably 2-3 hours. I really lost track of time and had no place else to be - it was FABULOUS. The name of this nursery is Arbor Gate. They carry your normal gardening flowers and such, but their assortment and variety far outweighs that of big chain nurseries down here. I filled up two wagon fulls of all sorts of flowers and shrubs. Mostly flowers.

I will someday soon share the names of the flowers, but for now I don't remember most of them! I just spent an absorbent amount of time reading the labels and the "planting directions" on each one. (I am ridiculously lost at this whole gardening scene).

I found a flower called a fuchsia. Yes, a FUCHSIA! And I bought a ton of them!

I didn't take a pic of the ones I have yet, but here is what they look like! Aren't they lovely???

So the garden looked something like this before we began planting...

I hope you can see how it is in the shape of angel wings... It was hard to get a full pic

And a walkway :) :) :) I anticipate many days spent here :)

I laid out all the flower pots where I wanted them...


And I had to get some GERBERAS!!! I can't wait to take Jenna some flowers from her very own garden!

Okay so this pic is not the best, but here is an almost finished product...

I did end up making another trip but this time to Home Depot to get some things we needed like fertilizer and shovels (up til this point we were using well, our hands!) Thank God the dirt was soft!


Here is little better pic of the almost finished Jenna garden...

 Colors! Colors! Colors!!!! Love it!!!


So I was beyond exhausted by the time we reached a finishing point. We literally spent all Saturday out there. I promise for better pictures soon, this morning I found puddles in my muddy backyard (new neighborhood... grass is still growing in after an unusually cold winter for Texas). I will get out there and get some more pics when the dirt dries up :)


Jus and Kat said...

Wow, that garden is going to be amazing both physically and symbolically. I love the it's shaped in a pair of angel's wings. What a beautiful reminder of your gaurdian angel!

Kat @ In Dylan's Memory

Jill said...

Franchesca!!! I love the garden! It is so perfect. Much bigger than I thought it was going to be. I love how you shaped it into angel wings, have fuchsia flowers, and a walkway. It is BEAUTIFUL and I am sure you will spend many days there thinking about Jenna. xx

PS I love that the sun is shining. I cannot wait for the sun to shine more in Vermont. It is dark and dreary here right now.

Mary said...

I love it! I can just imagine sitting out there, thinking of your Jenna, reading, and feeling so close to her! What a GREAT idea!! I love the angel wings too...

Lori said...

Lovely, just lovely!
It's beautiful! We plan to do a memory garden this spring as well. (We've meant to do this for a couple of years to honor loved ones who have passed, and now, with Matthew being the center, we are determined!) I can't wait to see these flowers bloom and grow--such a renewing sense!

Maggie said...

That is so beautiful! I cannot wait to see more pictures and to see how it finally looks! It's going to be gorgeous!

Mattie said...

I love that your garden is a special shape! I can't wait until it gets a little warmer here in Kentucky so I can get started on Shyla's garden!

Laura said...

Beautiful!!! I love this- because I have seen so much positive come out of losing my Andrew, and I know that sounds wrong but as the years have gone by I think of all the blessings that have come because of him. It makes my heart swell. His life mattered and it mattered beyond me! Thinking of you!

Angela said...

Absolutely beautiful! I LOVE LOVE LOVE fuchsias, they have been my fave since I was little. I always loved the little pop they would make when I would bust the buds in my grandma's flower garden, and the tiny little drop of water that always came out of them when I did it. Love the Jenna Garden!

ter@waaoms said...

my memory garden just would not grow. Some of the plants did but not much. I think this year (weather and finance permitting) I am going to buy a truck load of dirt and start from scratch. (provided I can even do so with my back pain) but I hope so anyway.

Megan said...

The garden looks beautiful! I can't wait till the weather gets warmer out here! What a great Saturday for you guys!

Mrs. A said...

The garden looks amazing! I am sure it will only get more beautiful as spring gets here! I really hope are weather keeps getting better, because you are absolutely right...Saturday was perfect!

The Blue Sparrow said...

Jenna's garden is georgous! I love that it is shaped like angel wings!

Stephanie said...

OKAY, could you be any more creative? Seriously, amazing! I miss TEXAS weather. Still cold and wet in CT!

Anchored By Hope said...

What a brilliant idea! I think it's awesome! SO cool! And you'll be seeing the beauty in that for years to come. I wish I had the green thumb for such a thing, but what an amazing way to honor her.

Holly said...

I can't wait to see the final product of Jenna's garden. It's gonna be beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

This garden is beautiful. I am psyched for the finished product :)

Hannah Rose said...

wow beautiful garden! you should post pictures throughout the summer of how much it's blossoming! we have a little side garden for lily and her bleeding heart is planted there that someone gave me at her memorial service. i also want to plant a rose bush there and some lilies. :)

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO