
All these December Moments

I found myself walking through Wal-mart the other day in the Christmas department looking for a third set of lights for our tree. It was sort of comical. The two sets of lights we owned wrapped around our tree, but only went 2/3 of the way up. I laughed, because it looked so ridiculous. So it sat half done for about two days until I found myself willing enough to brave the Christmas department.

As I was looking around, I found a few things that we needed. One of the things I wanted to look for was an ornament that could dress our tree in Jenna's memory from her Daddy and me. So I started my way down where the stockings were. Oh, and did I mention I am looking for the perfect fuchsia stocking? Or at least something that reminds me of her. Well none of the stockings were right, so I kept going. I strolled down the aisles in raw numbness, I could not feel anything or maybe I was not letting myself feel anything. I stopped at the end of one of the aisles. There were small silver ornaments and there was one engraved "Baby's First Christmas". I didn't even want to cry.

I pulled it into the palm of my hand and felt wonder. What does it feel like to be able to buy one of these?

I feel a little crazy, now that I think about it. But in all honesty, who defines crazy these days? I turned the corner and the next aisle had every assortment of colors of different ornaments. I stared at the dark fuchsia ones. (My mother did a Christmas tree for Jenna, decorated in all pink. It is just lovely. I need to get a picture of it.)

The longer I stared at the ornaments, the more I could feel my body failing to supply the numb anesthetic that had succumbed my urge to burst into tears. Thank God I didn't. I did begin to tear up and realized I was not alone on that aisle. I wondered if the lady a few yards away noticed my aimless stare and sudden weakness.

I walked away trying to shake the weakness off. I liked how I was adjusting before December. The last aisle had poinsettias. I wanted some for my Jenna's grave. I grabbed one and then put it back. The real ones may die sooner than I would like them too, or freeze. The thoughts just kept rolling in my frail mind, that I am getting my dead daughter flowers for Christmas. I don't even like poinsettias all that much! I thought to myself. I want her to be a part of this Christmas as much as possible but I shouldn't be getting my seven month old flowers!!!! 
I cannot honestly say that the disbelief that this is my life has many moments in my train of thought anymore. I get it now. At least I think I do. This is life... forever. No, it's not okay with me. But I am learning to embrace this on some level. But as I stared at those ornaments and realized that I was searching for my dead daughter's first ornament from us, it once again hit me like a ton of bricks. And it happened all over again with the stupid poinsettias. I walked away and went to find the trash bags. And of course a few feet away from the trash bag aisle, are displayed the frilly, lacy Christmas dresses for infants. Logic behind that? Not sure...


I did manage to find a bouquet of silk flowers at Wal-Mart before I left. I was quite pleased. It did have poinsettias in it, but it also had an assortment of Christmas colored flowers, and even a pine cone. I really could not wait to put it in her vase. I decided I would also put an ornament by her marker as well. I chose the very first ornament Jenna ever received, from her "Auntie" Katie! It is so sweet. It is a tiny bald baby, wrapped in a red blanket. I just love it. There is so much love and heart behind it. I found it with our Christmas stuff when I was decorating the tree for the last time. Of course it melted my heart. I received it from my dear friend, Katie when I was no more than two months along.

I grabbed it off the tree this morning on the way out to put it near her this Christmas. I also put a big Christmas bell with her too.


As me and my hubby were standing there in this beautiful cold, December weather, I suddenly realized I do not feel her there anymore. That, to me, was awesome. I can't describe it proficiently, but I will try. It is morbid enough to visit your dead baby, but to have that be the only place you feel their presence is even more depressing. I feel her so near sometimes while I am just sitting, or writing or thinking or reading. It was a relief this fifth of the month to feel her absence by her tombstone. I love visiting her, but I am so thankful for this change.

She would have been my sweet seven month old baby. She still is, she is just celebrating her seven months with Jesus and all our angels.

I really hope she has a fuchsia pony up there.


Beth said...

she has whatever she wants up there!

of course, i know you'd rather have her HERE.. where you can buy her that baby's first christmas ornament. whatever... i bought one anyway. it has pooh bear and tigger on it. so cute. i also have stockings for her, and i bought her some christmas presents. i really couldnt think of a good reason not to. some might say "well, she's dead" is a good reason not to buy her any christmas presents, but i'd tell them to flip off.

now, after reading this, i want to buy a frilly little christmas dress.

it's just not fair.

love to you.

Holly said...

We are going to head to Walmart before church this morning to pick up some Christmas stuff for Carleigh at her grave. I wish I could buy presents instead.

I relate when you say you haven't felt her presence. I don't feel Carleigh there anymore but I visit anyway.

Katherine Page said...

I'll never forget when I gave you Jenna's ornament. We were walking into your church play to watch your sweet brother.

I want you to know that I love you, my eyes are filled with tears and my heart aches for you today. I wanted to give you a hug yesterday when you came by b/c i knew you were having a tough day.

Know you are a very special person in my life and am blessed beyond measure. we need to paint soon.

Jill said...

I am happy that you felt relief when you visited Jenna. The flowers are beautiful and I love the little bell you have hanging. Part of me still feels my babies when I visit them, but after reading your post I wonder if I feel them there because I want to.

I hope you find the perfect fuchsia stocking for your girl. I love how your mom decorated a Christmas tree for Jenna. That is so sweet. I hope you post a picture of it when you get one! : )

Thinking of you! xo

Andrea said...

Thinking of you and its wonderful that you felt a moment of peace. Those moments feel so good, as I experienced one myself not so long ago...it felt freeing.

Hugs and love as you navigate this holiday season...it so hard, but we persevere.

Courtney said...

Oh hon, you brought me to tears. I wish I could change things so that all of our sweet angels were here with us. It just is not fair that we have to go through this.

I have been looking for the perfect flowers, I want silk as well, to place at the boys grave. I will have to go check out walmart.

Thinking of you and precious Jenna. *hugs*

R said...

Sometimes I too wonder what people think of me when they see me in one of my moments- do they even notice? I'm glad you were able to find some flowers- they're beautiful. Going in and dealing with all the reminders that Jenna is in heaven (to me at least) shows strength- not weakness.
Peace & love to you!

Jen said...

I have a babies first Christmas ornament from last year that my MIL bought for us. As we were putting up the tree I thought of how insane it was to put up babies 1st with the remembrance one right after.. it stung a little I am not going to lie, I kept thinking of how it was not just her first, her only.. I think of how glorious Christmas must be in Heaven..how lucky are our babies to get to celebrate Christ's birthday with HIM! anyhow..sending big hugs!

Unknown said...

I had the same feelings while looking for an ornament for Hudson. Looking at all the first Christmas ones; wanting so badly to be buying one for my baby in tow.

Anonymous said...

I had the same feeling at Wal-mart looking for a tree and ornaments for my little girl.

Bree said...

I totally relate to feeling disbelief, yet beginning to embrace or accept what happened. I don't get to dress my little girl up for Christmas, take her to get her picture taken with Santa, or buy her, her first gift. But, I did enjoy dressing my tree all in butterflies in her honor.

Have you checked etsy.com for a stocking?

Hugs, Franchesca!

Christmas with Kasey said...


Have you thought of making her stocking? I looked for patterns and then found fabric and made it fit... I can scan you some patterns if you'd like.
I have been out in the ciaos sp twice and it has been 2 times too many.

Mattie said...

I would check online for a stocking. If you can't find one, they should be fairly easy to make.

I felt odd too, decorating my daughters stone at the cemetary. Each member of the family picks out a new ornament every year in my family. I think Shyla got two or three this year. I hope you have peace this holiday season.

Fireflyforever said...

I related to such a lot of this. I have never truly felt my daughter at her grave but I visit anyway because it's peaceful place to go and remember. I "like" it there. This will be our second Christmas without Emma and getting our the tiny bear engraved with her name was a hard reminder.

I hope Jenna has a fuschia pony - I can't see why she wouldn't!

Christy said...

Reading about other babyloss mamas' feelings that they are having through these holidays has been so touching. It amazes me how much we connect with each other and here we are scattered across the globe, no one knows who we are on teh outside, you never know. On teh inside, though, we are broken, incomplete, sad. It is very interesting how you describe the feeling at the grave. I cannot visit Chase's grave and have often felt lost because he is buried so far away. I really try to feel his presence sometimes, it's a concious effort. I want something physical so bad it hurts, though. You know what I mean. Sending you hugs, Francesca. I am with you.

Mary said...

I too, have many numb feelings this Christmas. I am not overly sad...I am just not overly...anything. Ornaments were a big deal this year too, becasue we always buy a "one year" ornament. We finally found one we like, so I thought I might pass it on, if you need a suggestion.


Caroline said...

Praying for you so much. The flowers look beautiful. I just finished something special for your Jenna today, be watching your mail.I wish you could buy presents to.
Prayers and {{HUGS}}

Anonymous said...

I was at Walmart yesterday myself looking for a couple things for Jonathan's tree and for a mission that a friend of a friend is taking to Guatamala for young moms. I walked into the baby isle and as I stared at all the items I was purchasing I couldn't help, but wonder what it would feel like to buy these for a live baby, my baby. I can relate to some of the emotions you were feeling as you were looking at those ornaments.

Jenna, is with you wherever you are. *hugs* It sounds like some real peace is heading your way and that is always such a blessing.

Heather said...

I have had so many of these moments lately...trying to come to terms with the fact of the reality of my life. It's just so hard sometimes.

Thinking of you always.

Gottjoy! said...

I am sad that a lot of us mommies are feeling the same way this Christmas:(...What a precious thought of having her own fuchsia pony:)

Your flowers are beautiful!!

Beth said...


I was at a craft store called "garden ridge" and they have a section in each color with ornaments and all sorts of christmas things. they had a few things in the "pink" section that could pass for fuchsia, so i was thinking of you. and then i saw these precious little angel wings... if this looks like fuchsia to you, please let me send them to you. the light pink set is for me, but i added it to the picture so you could see the contrast. i would love for you to have them. there is a string on it, so it's meant to hang on a tree. we're actually attaching ours to a teddy bear that we bought in kathlyn's honor. a little angel bear!

email me at rutgersbeth@yahoo.com if you want the wings.. with your address.


Beth said...
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Beth said...


that should work this time... sorry for multiple posts!

Once A Mother said...

i am so happy that you felt that sense of peace at the cemetery. i know what you mean about feeling crazy, i catch myself lost in things like baby ornaments too. thinking of you and sending you prayers for peace in your heart this christmas, and a sense of jenna's presence with you as you celebrate.

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO