
On My Heart

No one noticed how you were missing that day
but I could see the places where your footprints should have been
and the smiles you would have made.

And people don't see me as someone who had her world fall apart anymore
because these days it looks put back together
I've only mastered the art of looking okay
but not ever really being okay

And I guess that's all people really want to see
Is 'okayness' and that all looks  well.

But I'll never be okay
because my life is not put back together
and I know what life we're missing.

I thought about how much pain you endured
and how brave and strong you were
for such a little girl
I hope you know you're my hero

And when life's difficulties come by
and it feels like I can't go on
I think about the fight you made to stay with us, for us
And that is all the umph I need to make it one more step

Most days I'm convinced that you were not of this world
and really we need you more than you needed us
I hate to admit it.
And it seems as fate had her way you really are alright.
The brokenness was left behind in this imperfect world.

I don't know how much of this world you can see,
but I think about you everyday
and lately talking about you is harder than I'd like it to be
but you will live on through me, one way or another

My heart breaks a little more when I see little girls at your 'would-be' age
but somehow I cannot see you as a one year old child
You are still a tiny newborn to me
And I can't wait to hold you again, Jenna.

Someday soon, I hope.


Anonymous said...


It is hard for me at times to imagine Shealyn as a one year old. It feels like I lose a little teeny tiny piece of myself everytime I see a little girl that is the age Shea would have been. Sometimes its double for me. Like if she had been born on her due date...


Hannah Rose said...

Beatiful, Franchesca. :)

Michelle said...

I can imagine that it is hard to talk about Jenna. I fear that when our rainbow arrives that Audrey will be forgotten even more-so than now (by happy family). Jenna will live on through you...you do so many things to honor her memory. This is a beautiful expression.

Laura said...


Laura said...
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Mary said...

What a beautiful post, Fran.

I am scared about having a rainbow baby for the exact reason you mentioned. I don't want everyone to forget about her, think we have moved on, and concentrate on the new baby and forget our little angel.

I still think of Jenna, and her gorgeous red bow...

Antoinette said...

You always make me cry =*( because I can feel everything you are saying....I see in your eyes in the photos others may not know BUT i know...and im hurting with you i think of Jenna all the time and I can imagine now it being hard to talk about her because it still hurts and now with Joseph you can see her in him and that must be so hard...SHE IS living though you and through all of us...she is my hero too =*(

Listen to Mariah carey's song HERO...im listening to it RIGHT NOW its on my playlist and i think of alyssa and now i will think of jenna with it xoxoxo

Caroline said...

I love this !! Great post !!


Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful, Franchesca. ((hugs)). Even though you have your Bubs, it doesn't mean you're missing the part of your heart that your little bird flew up to heaven with her.

Mary said...

I completely feel the same way. It is not easy to be normal again because normal now has been alterd. Everyone else wants you to be normal so the facade is put on to appease others. Yet we will never be what they want us to be.

Anonymous said...

this is such a beautiful post....your heart will always miss your beautiful Jenna Belle. *hugs*

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO