

I have been wanting to re-do this space for my Jenna for awhile. I just couldn't figure out what I wanted it to look like. When I told my husband I was redo-ing Jenna's blog he said "Again??" Ummm... yea...?  I guess to him a blog is a blog... but to me - Jenna's spot has to be perfect, and I was beginning to get really tired of the gray background. So this time around I thought of doing a scrapbook look... and God was so good. He let me stumble on *the* most perfect scrapbook kit... called May Morning (umm perfect name since that is HER month) and it has a little bird... perfection again... AND the bird was a-hem... FUCHSIA!

Perfection. Only God.

Thank you, God for letting me find Jenna's new perfect look! 

I have been feeling nothing short of guilt for my lack of blogging here lately since Bubby made his entrance into this world. This blog was started to journal my grief, and I intend to continue my journey on grief here, but the honest truth is my grief has changed... yet again. Grief in one word is unpredictable. I find myself totally 'okay' one minute and then I wake up one morning and realize I have a dead child. In the 21st century... how do you explain that to the world??? And then the cycle of why me... why this... why why why starts. But the grief and the pain are not raw these days. It is tolerable, bearable and very much a part of who I am now. I don't feel jarred in this world of grief anymore. It's life. Forever. There are moments where I still can't believe this happened. And those moments come so unexpectedly into my everyday strut but they usually pass as quickly as they come. 

I guess I can honestly say I have accepted my daughter's death. I am NOT okay that she died. I am NOT okay that I will always get to wonder about her and never really get to know her. And accepting is a tricky place to be. I find guilt here too. I have to keep telling myself that accepting this does NOT mean I don't miss her with every fiber of my being. Acceptance does NOT entail forgetting or leaving her behind. 

Acceptance is smiling because she lived instead of crying because she died. Acceptance is realizing I may not be ready to look at those pictures just yet, and that's okay. Acceptance is knowing that she lives on through me. Acceptance is being filled with gratitude that I experienced joy because of her instead of feeling sorry for myself. Acceptance is remembering that God was there those 13 days. Acceptance is believing God out of pure desperation. Acceptance is embracing my days here with open arms and an open heart, and knowing I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for Jenna. Acceptance is resting in that blessed hope that I will get to see her again.


Monica said...

Wow you are so good at describing what this is like!! Hugs

Kristin said...

Beautiful post. I know what you mean about wanting her space here to be perfect--I'm the same way! :) It's like its the only thing I can still "do" for my daughter or something...

You are an inspiration. I hope I can get to a place of acceptance one day too.


B said...

Great post! I am only beginning to dip my toes into the acceptance waters (just barely), but I know that feeling of guilt, too. Grief is crazy like that — when I feel awful I wish I didn't, but when I feel a little better I feel bad about it! I hope we can both learn to walk the delicate balance, and remember that acceptance does NOT mean forgetting, or that we love our babies any less.

Maggie said...

Jenna's blog looks beautiful!!! It's just perfect for her! And I'm glad you have been able to reach some level of acceptance. I agree, it doesn't mean you will ever forget her. I hope I can reach that point one day as well.

Rachel said...

It's a beautiful page change. Glad to know the grief changes...although unpredictable is not always favorable :) ((hugs))

Holly said...

The new look is great! I'm glad you found something that worked!

I'm not ok with those things either but I have accepted that she is gone. Acceptance is the things you mentioned.

Wendy said...

Looks great!!!

Lisette said...

Jenna's blog looks great!!
I love how you describe just what I feel, I just can't describe it as well. Your are such an inspiration to me, thank you! ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

I can't see the new look onmy page but from the picture I'm sure it looks great. 'Acceptance is resting in that blessed hope that I will get to see her again'...beautiful. I think the only thing I've accepted is that I can't change things. (((Hugs)))

Sarita Boyette said...

Jenna's new blog look is lovely! Couldn't be more appropriate! (((HUGS)))

Caroline said...

It looks so wonderful and fits perfect. Great post !!


Lori said...

It's beautiful, just like that sweet baby girl!!

And I SO am with you on believing God out of pure desperation.

One day I hope that it's more than that, but these days and day by day...that's so what it feels like.

Much love!!!

April said...

Love the new blog look!

I love reading your blogs because you are so good at putting into words exactly what I am feeling. I feel very blessed to have found your blog !

With Out My Punkin said...

I love the new look and your words are so wonderfully said.

Jen said...

Fran~ I love it!! its so perfect :) I was thinking of having you re-do mine again, maybe something a little brighter or more colors..hmm..:)

Jess said...

I love the new look on Jenna's blog! It really is perfect:)! What a wonderful post. I'm so glad you are feeling acceptance these days. Most days, I am there as well, and you describe it so beautifully here. "Believing God out of pure desperation...resting in that blessed hope that I will get to see her again" Exactly.

Mrs. Mother said...

Thank you for following my blog and thank you for sharing your story about your Jenna. I miss my Jenna every day, and I suppose I always will. Big hugs to you. I am now following your blog.

Anonymous said...

Fran, that is absolutely beautiful. Acceptance is so hard to come by *hugs* Love the new look!

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Beautiful words about acceptance...well said.

Crystal Theresa said...

beautiful words and a new beautiful design for your precious little bird :)

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO