
Something to Live For: Hope

I have been missing my little baby girl so.... MUCH. I just want to hold her, see her, smell her again. (sigh) Lots of moments I hadn't thought about in a while came to my memory this past week. Painful memories. But we shared them with her and for that they are precious. The more I go into this the less I appreciate it and the less I understand why. There's a question for eternity. Why. But it just is the way it is. I miss her. I am glad I got to know her. I just feel cheated, so very cheated on motherhood. I know I serve a GOOD God. He has definitely been there for me. Even when I didn't feel it, and sometimes I don't, He is undoubtedly there. He sustains me, keeps me going and gives me something to live for everyday. I cling to the hope He has given. Sometimes I just have to take Him for His word when all else fails, because He said so.

"My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer."
-Psalm 45:1


Laura said...

Thinking of you- And you're right- he is a Good God- and will give you the strength when you find yourself in moments like this- I remember screaming to him WHY? but it the end, it was He who gave me my breath back- and gave me such a peace- God's Grace- and we're so lucky it keeps coming. This is such a difficult road to travel- but you are never ever alone!
Huge Hugs-

Tina said...

I don't know if we will ever have the answer to Why our babies are not here with us. It is so hard to go on living a purposful life without them. I hope you find some peace and comfort soon. xx

Amy said...

It is so hard. I just want you to know that I am praying for you.

Caroline said...

Praying for you so much & a AWESOME post. HUGS

amy said...

breathe my dear friend,he's giving you the strentgth to inhale&exhale.thats how you know he's there.Those moments when you feel so alone just breathe.Every day,every second.I love you&hurt for you,if i could do anything to stop your pain i would.I continue to pray for you and am always here for you if you need me.

R said...

I wish we knew the answers... but even if we did I'm sure it wouldn't take away the pain. I agree with what you said-

"Even when I didn't feel it, and sometimes I don't, He is undoubtedly there... Sometimes I just have to take Him for His word when all else fails, because He said so."

It's hard not feeling it and just accepting Him at His word but I think that's part of what makes faith, faith. I always try to remind myself that His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts higher than my thoughts. One day we'll understand fully.

Peace & love to you!

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO