
Secret Garden Meeting - August

This month at the Secret Garden, we are talking about our babies bedrooms and their belongings. This is a place where bereaved parents can come together and share their stories, their babies' lives and get support.

If you created a bedroom for your baby tell us what it was like.
Jenna's nursery was not the traditional light pink and fluffy theme. I wanted something different with a splash of saturation and personality. Her walls were painted avocado green and accented with fuchsia and violet blankets, butterflies, curtains and just anything girlie I could think of. We went a little crazy since we were jazzed about having a girl...

Did you have it ready for them before they were born?
It was not finished when we came home empty-handed. It was especially devastating to see the nursery furniture that the grandparents' had so generously purchased. I still wonder if it will ever be used.

If so how did you cope coming home to it without your baby?
It was hard, and nearly impossible to believe what was really happening. I would walk into her room, and for a split second forget that I wasn't pregnant anymore. There would be no baby to put to sleep, or nurse or sing to. The stuffed animals are some of my favorite things since they were in her incubator with her. We had her clothes, diapers, lotion, hats, socks, shoes, blankets, and more clothes... It makes me want to cry just thinking about it. Walking into her room full of shattered dreams brought the coldest wind of disappointment and grief. Somehow, it was still nice to have something to hold that was all Jenna's. I continued to decorate her room until it was practically finished. It was a place to go and shut the door and just think about her, cry my heart out, read my Bible and pray.

Did you pack it all away?
Nope. I loved looking at it, even though it crushed me. I cannot say that it helped me to heal by any means, it was just something that I had to do.

What is your baby's room now?
Since we moved from where I first set her room up, it has been placed in boxes. When we move to our new home (hopefully November) I plan to start all over, and make a place for Jenna. This is what I think we will be doing, anyway. My feelings are like unpredictable lightening bolts.

If you are trying to conceive again, or are pregnant again how do you feel about setting up another room before your baby is born?
I am not pregnant again as of yet, but I would do it all over again. There's no harm in hoping for the best. I believe that hoping in God's mercy is the safest thing to do and each baby is worth it. Along with that hope comes a natural sense of fear...


Laura said...

Hoping with you!
Scared with you!
Praying with you!
Thanks for sharing!

Lianne said...

I loved the colors you chose for Jenna's nursery. I'm so sorry that she never had the chance to see the beauty of it all. However, I like to imagine that our babies each have a luxurious room in heaven that emulates what we had envisioned when we thought they would be here with us.

Lisa and Jonathan said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I would have not packed up Jasper's room either if it was finished. I'm glad you find Jenna's room a source of comfort.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you made a beautiful, inspiring room for your sweet Jenna, a lot of love went in to it.

Thank you for you comment on my blog, it means a lot to me that you visited x

Katherine Page said...

Thank you Fran for allowing me to be the one to help out and be apart of putting together Jenna's room. I loved and always loved the colors you choose. You and I can never follow the "typical" color schemes that everyone uses. I LOVE that about you! People, there are more colors than pink and blue! hehehehe. I love you sweet friend, continue to pray for you and pete, continue to smile about Jenna and the precious time I got to spend with her as well. God is with you always, even when we can't feel his presence. You are precious to me!!! love ya love ya love ya!!!!!

I would do everything all over again too! remember that!

Once A Mother said...

her room sounds just precious! "It was hard, and nearly impossible to believe what was really happening. I would walk into her room" I still get this feeling nearly a year later. Its like walking in there our hearts bring us back...

Heather said...

I LOVE the colors you chose for Jenna's room. I admire your faith and hope in the future. Thanks for sharing.

Christy said...

The nursery sounds beautiful! Hope you get to use it all, soon. Thinking of you...

Karen said...

Oh, her room sounds beautiful. I'm glad it gave and gives you peace to be in that space. Wishing Jenna was in your arms and hoping with you that God gives you a sibling for her. Thank you for sharing. (((hugs)))

Christy said...

Check out my blog--I nominated you for an Honest Scrap Award!

MaryBeth said...

A beautiful room. Thinking of you...

Sarah said...

I LOVE the colours you picked for Jenna's room Franchesca!!!

I think the furniture her grandparents bought will be used- i pray so- it'll now have extra memories and a story attached.

I felt that cold wind of disappointment and grief too- more so when we came back from being away recently. I wasn't expecting to feel reality hit me so hard again.
All the best for the move in november xx

Holly said...

Her room sounds so bright and cheery. :) I love bright colors. Always hope for the best!!

Sophie said...

I really like that you finished the room. So many times I thought about doing that too, but it never eventuated.

So sorry for your loss.

Fiona said...

I'm so sorry for your loss of your precious baby girl. Jenna's room sounds beautiful. If my son's room had have been set up, I would have left it set up, too. I lost my son at 20 weeks and his room was still our storage room at that time.

Waves of Victory said...

Hi there. I found your blog and wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss. I too have lost children. My 1st daughter, Carly was born at 28w3d and lived in the NICU for 4 months before passing away in March 2008. I found myself pregnant a month after she passed and lost our 2nd daughter. She was stillborn at 32w2d. We are TTC again now. I hope you get your earthly baby to love on earth. My heart goes out to you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO