
Picking up the Pieces and Healing Tears

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but last night I felt so much better after I just let it all out. I waited until after I thought my husband was sleeping and I cried and cried and cried. I had a mountain of grief sitting on my chest and a million different emotions that can hardly be handled that were desperate for some relief. So I cried and it HELPED.

Nothing got solved, just released. Maybe that's what it was.

Aside from the million emotions, I didn't get a chance to blog away my heart. This added to the reality of facing my grief, which at times, is unbearable.

On a different note, I find it difficult to talk with people. Just simple conversation makes my brain crazy. It's not that I don't want to (or maybe I don't?) but it is so hard to FOCUS. I have never been more scatter-brained and that makes me crazier. I also find myself avoiding certain people because I don't want to talk about the frivolous things in life and they don't want to talk about my baby who died too soon. So I become a hermit who crawls out when I MUST be ok or when I finally reach a "safety zone".

On top of that, I haven't been able to go see her. Her marker is so pretty but its ugly too. It just urks me that she is in the ground. My brain knows she is in Heaven, but my heart can't get past her body being buried - the very one I felt kicking and moving inside, is buried. I can't write in words what that does to me. I hate it. I used to love going to see her and I wish I could see past the marker that so delicately marks her putrid grave. Why did I spend so much time trying to make it look so pretty??!! It is not going to matter! I thought it was the last thing I could do for her. Now it just keeps me away. I feel guilty, angry and disgusted that I can't make it better. It hurts so much to see her like that. I mean to go this Friday. She will have been gone four months. I want to go Friday, but it's going to be hard.

I thought about it like this.

In this house there is this beautiful, fragile yet perfect glass vase. And it sits in a place where it can display its beauty to everyone in the house, at all times. But one day it gets knocked over and it doesn't just break - it shatters throughout the entire house, in every corner and under every stool, table and furnishing. No matter where you walk in this house there are sharp remnants of this once-beautifully adorned glass vase. But the beauty is gone and all that's left is a mess and pain with every step you take. As I think about the glass pieces everywhere I go, I can't help but think I am just leaving the glass pieces on the ground to continue to wound my already wounded heart. How do you pick up the pieces? How do you tell yourself it's time to find a way to heal? When does the pain stop tearing you apart everywhere you go? When do the little things in life that bring you back to the darkest hour stop bringing you to tears? How does life return to a sense of normalcy after your innocence is gone? How do you pick that first piece off the ground and not feel guilty?

I don't know. But I do know that it has got to start soon. Some sort of stepping forward. Not "moving on" or "getting over it" as people say without the slightest idea of how those careless words rend your heart, but a true finding of what it means to live with this grief and without the guilt of leaving her behind.

It won't happen overnight and I know these next few months and even years will try my relationships. I hope that my friends and family can be patient. I pray that I can have grace. I know that I serve a good God. There are few things that I know for certain anymore but one is that He is right there, ready to help me pick up that first piece. And the second and the third.

...forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark...

Philippians 3:13,14


Tina said...

Very beautifully written Franchesca. I wish I could answer your questions, but I too struggle with these things. There are constant reminders everywhere of my loss. Even things that shouldn't really remind me of my girls, still bring it all back. It sounds like you are in a good place right now and I wish you much peace. xx

Karen said...

It is so hard and you've put it so eloquently. (((hugs)))

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I wish I had the words to help you. I don't.
I do care. I pray that God gives you the comfort and strength you need. There is no time frame to follow, there is no getting over it and no one should say that to you. I think it is a miracle that you can get out of bed each day. I am so sorry you don't like her marker.
If there is something I can do to help you please let me know. dpucci9972@gmail.com

The Blue Sparrow said...

You have taken the words out of my mouth with this post. I too find it hard to socialize with anyone who hasnt been through our loss. It all seems so petty and I could care less about meaningless chatter now. Im finding that I am more of a hermit these days as well. I wish someone could give us an exact date and timetable to when we will stop feeling this way, it would sure make things alot easier on us wouldnt it? I'll be thinking of you and Jenna this Friday as you mark this milestone.

Caroline said...

Very well written & so true. Sometimes it's good to just cry & let those feelings out. I sometimes just need to cry once in a while to let things out. I wish I could give you a real hug so here just know I think of you alot. {{HUGS}} Prayers

Kristy said...

I wish I had answers for you. I wish that all of those questions you asked, actually had answers waiting to be found. There aren't. I am 364 days out from loosing E, and I feel like the birth and death of L brought every I thought I had delt with back to the surfact. So really, I hadn't delt with it all I had just tucked it away. Cry when you need/want to. Yell when you need/want to. Let it all out when you need/want to. Its normal, its healthy and its our life. Its not a life that anyone who hasn't buried a baby, a child will understand. I DO understand, and while I don't have answers I hope that is enough. *hugs*

Danielle said...

You have such a wonderful way of painting a visual of the lives we are living. I don't have any answers for you, I wish I did. I'm starting to think the first step in moving forward is simply acceptance.

For me, I'm TRYING to accept my new life for what it is, but I still want to scream on most days. I'm trying to accept that this is the new life I HAVE to live. If Wyatt taught me anything, it's that life is precious, beautiful, and TOO SHORT. I think he would be disappointed in me if I *just stopped living my life* like I feel like doing.

Wish there were a manuel with step by step instructions. I'm right here with you as we both try to figure out how to do this. Good Luck.

amy said...

my dear friend,
i love you and continue to pray for you.I cannot imagine your heartache all i can say is im glad you have these moms that know your pain.I will always be here for you Fran&will always pray for you.

Holly said...

Having a good cry does make you feel at least a little better IMO. It is a good release. Your description with the vase is....WOW! Really good. I'm slowly getting better at socializing but I'm still not that great at it. Having a prolonged conversation with someone other than close family or my bff makes me tense. I clench my jaw and my fists and after I've done this for awhile I start to shake a little. I just can't seem to help it. I try to get myself to relax but it only lasts for a few minutes before I'm back at it again. It's not fun.

Page McGraw said...


What you are describing is very natural. It's been over two years for Joshua, and I still don't want to talk to people sometimes. It's like I see this look in their eyes, "they're the one's it happened too...it was their son..." pity. It makes me crazy! I still have a hard time going to the grave. My mom hasn't missed a single day in two years, but I just can't do it. It's too hard. Sometimes I'm there looking at his marker and bench, and it still just doesn't seem real. I find going to the parking lot where it happened alot easier for me to do. I don't know why, maybe because that's the last place I held him, the last place I saw his smile, and the place where the heavens opened up and God took him home. I hate to say that it gets easier...that statement used to make me really angry. But just know, that in YOUR time and own way, you will find peace. Don't let anyone pressure you to do otherwise. They just don't understand.
I love you and I still pray for you and Pete. I think of Jenna often, she is not forgotten.

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO