
What I'm Not

strong Pronunciation: \ˈstrŋ\ Function: adjective 1 : having or marked by great physical power 2 : having moral or intellectual power 3 : having great resources (as of wealth or talent) 4 : of a specified number 5 a : striking or superior of its kind b : effective or efficient especially in a specified direction 6 : forceful, cogent 7 : not mild or weak : 

I've heard this word many times by well-meaning people about me, thinking somehow it accurately describes my ability to survive. But surviving is an instinct, hardly a trait to be admired and the inaccuracy is wildly misleading. 

For starters, no one asked me to volunteer to be here today. I did not courageously sacrifice the life we could have shared with my baby girl for anyone. I was as natural a mother as any other, I wanted to keep my baby.

It also triggers another thought when I hear that word. People use that word 'strong' implying an alternative to being what they perceive as 'strong'. What was the alternative? Giving up on life? Losing hope? Crying about things I used to take for granted? Wanting this nightmare to end daily? Well then I am weak everyday. What most people don't understand is that what they perceive as strength is simply a mask. A very convincing mask at best.

People think because they see someone successful in battle, that they must be winning the war. Or someone with a smile must have conquered the deepest, darkest foe of grief... finally... and surely they don't cry anymore.

But it's wrong. You see there were at least half a dozen more meanings of that word 'strong' and none of them identify with me except for one. The third meaning is 'having great resources'. But to me just because you have a strong friend, it doesn't make you strong. At least that's how I see it.

When Jenna died my Lord Jesus Christ had shoulders big enough to carry me and everyone that was heartbroken last May.  

He is strong. 

Naturally most regained their strength and began walking on their own fairly quickly. I never felt so alone. I wasn't ready to start walking again. The guilt. The pain. The memories. All so raw. 

I walked into her room last night and tears came as I looked at all the pink stuff. A flood of tears. I discovered last night I will never drop enough of them for her.

And when I take a glance back at how many months I have survived without her, and wondered how I didn't die when her heart stopped beating, I realize He is still carrying me. I haven't walked any of it by myself. 

I haven't DONE any of it at all. He has. 

I think He knows a big part of me died when she died. It's going to be a very long time until I can walk again.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. -Isaiah 41:10

I know many have heard this, but this song "I Will Carry You" by Selah came to my mind as this post was rumbling around in my head.


Mary said...

You are so right Franchesca...I don't feel strong either. I have it written as "something about you" on my facebook profile: I am not as strong as people think I am. God is strong. We walk this road only because we HAVE to. But He walks with us because He WANTS to!

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

This is so spot-on, Franchesca. I too don't feel strong, or confident - I know that I wouldn't be here if God hadn't sustained me through this all, and I'm so glad that you have that same strength in Him. I pray that He continues to help you float.

Jill said...

I love this post, Franchesca. It hits so close to home as many people are ALWAYS telling me I am strong. It hits a trigger whenever someone relates that word to me and losing my babies. I will Carry You is a beautiful and touching song that creates tears every time I hear it.

Jane said...

excellent post... it really resonates with me.. thanks for writing it... it's how a lot of us feel, I'm sure.
and.. I love that song. it's one of the first songs i found online after Noah died.

Lauren said...

this is all too true. I wonder what people would think if they knew that there are STILL nights that I cry myself to sleep ... 3 years later. I hate hearing "you're so strong..."

I'm not ... and if it were up to me I would have changed it all in a second!

Maggie said...

Ah, the ever popular "You are so strong" saying is something I'm sure we have all heard at some point or another. This post is so very true. People have said I'm so strong, but I feel weak. I never asked to be strong. Thinking of you. That's a beautiful song too, I love it.

Melissa said...

I love reading words that seem like they came from my own head, it is amazing when other people think the same way and feel the same way. I don't feel strong either, but I think we have to give ourselves credit for getting up in the morning and putting one foot in front of the other.

With Out My Punkin said...

This is so very true...I can relate

The Blue Sparrow said...

This post said it all. I am not strong, I am weak every minute of everyday, but He is strong and is strong enough to carry us. I watched that video and had a good cry. I love that song. *HUGS*

Lori said...

You always say exactly what I am thinking. Just today my therapist told me I was her poster child for perfect grieving...and I just wondered really what the alternative had to be. Unacceptable, that's what.

Tears, tears...
Love to you!

Beth said...

"people say that I am brave but I'm not..."

This is a great post, may I share it?

Caroline said...

What a great post and so very true. {{HUGS}}

Catherine W said...

I don't really like being described as 'strong' either. Or when people tell me that they could never cope with the loss of one their children. It makes me feel unfeeling and cold.

I'm glad that you feel carried. Beautiful song.

And can I just say how much I loved the Valentine you made for Jenna at StillLife365. It was absolutely stunning. A beautiful Valentine for a beautiful little girl. x

Anonymous said...

you put it so perfectly when you said, "People use that word 'strong' implying an alternative to being what they perceive as 'strong'. What was the alternative? Giving up on life? Losing hope? Crying about things I used to take for granted?"

I don't think people really realize what they are saying when they tell us that they think we are strong.

Lisette said...

This post is spot on!!! I feel the same way when people say those famous words "your so strong." I am starting to get annoyed by that actually. I feel like I am the total opposite of this. Like you said "you didn't volunteer for this." What else are we to do but cope with it. Sending you big ((hugs)).

Laura said...

Thinking of you and nodding... A LOT!

PB&J said...

The honesty here is perfect. The knowing so compleate - Thank you for your post and I'm thinking of Jenna. Also one thing you have posted before.. Heaven became real. That is the most significant thing that happened to me to. Best of love to you with your "littles"

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post. I think all of us baby lost mommas hear that "you're so strong" line a lot. I usually respond by saying "Well, I move forward because I have no choice." It has nothing to do with strength. You are right - it is survival, not strength.

Malory said...

Amazing post. Being called strong has always triggered some strong mixed emotions in me. Sometmes I believe people want to think we are so strong so things aren't so bad anymore...I too beleieve I have been carried these past 9 months...there is just no other way I have survived.

Lily Dawn said...

You write it so perfectly... so many people have said, "i could not have handled that" " u are so strong" it's like I don't even know how to respond other than to say "I am not strong, HE is!"... leaning on Him is the only way I could possibly get through each day... and just because i don't always show all my emotions and talk about Evie, doesn't mean I am not thinking about her and missing her every day... Thank you so much for this post and your honest words =)


Katherine Page said...

Oh I love Angie and her blog. I also LOVE YOU TOO!!! I remember watching that video and hearing that song.

i love you girl! as soon as life gets calmer my way i want to get together with you. i have something for you!

love you lots!

Jess said...

Wow, this post resonates so much with so many of us! I know I have never felt weaker than after losing my daughter, and the only appearance of any strength is definitely ONLY because of being carried by God's grace. All we can do is survive and take one step at a time. I Will Carry You is just such an amazing song!

Holly said...

I love that song by Selah and I'm sure we can all identify with the few lines in it that talk about being strong.

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO