
With Love Care Packages

Tonight began the start of something new. I am very hopeful and feeling rather optimistic about this project. It's a lot. It really is, but I have wonderful support and I cannot wait to start putting these care packages together.

We are calling the care package program With Love. It is named With Love because these packages are made with love from other babylost mothers. Every last thing inside them is given/made or donated by a babylost mother and/or supporter.

For starters, we are kicking off with the Pregnancy/ Infant Loss Memorial Flourishes. All proceeds made from these will go toward buying the boxes themselves and offsetting the cost of the care packages down the road. 

And let me just say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone that has already made such generous donations. Every last dollar helps.

In a few months With Love will hopefully be expanding it's efforts into local NICUs to help parents with babies in the NICU and also reaching out to the staff in the NICUs to show appreciation. For those of you who have had children in the NICU, I know that this place holds a special place in your heart. Even if it's just a card a couple times a year, or a fruit basket... I would love to get something going to just say thank you to Jenna's nurses and other special hearts like them.

Also, I thought I would add something from the last post about the care packages. First of all I decided to not replace the old memory box site, but just start a new blog altogether for this program. I realize there are a few who may just want to purchase a memory from their child's hope collage, so I will keep those available.


Well a little about the flourishes... each flourish is fastened to a pink and teal satin ribbon (teal is just so much prettier than light blue in my opinion! ;) which has a broach pin on the back. You can also request multiple rosettes on one for multiple losses.

For more information on the flourishes, the care packages and anything else, please check out the With Love Care Packages site. I would also love and very much appreciate your feedback. 

Without you none of this is possible. Your support and love means the world to me. I would also like to send out a special thank you to all the babylost mothers taking part in these care packages for your generosity and support - Carly, Tina, Michelle, Rachel, and Kristin.

If you would like to help, please spread the word about With Love through a blog post, sharing our site through facebook, email, whatever's easiest for you. You can also grab our button too. Just click on "ways to help" and the button's on that page.

You can find us on our very own facebook page here. Here you'll get all the updates of what's going on.


Holly said...

I love this! And I really like the flourishes!! I def plan on purchasing some!

Alissa said...

I'm so glad you are doing this!! You are an amazing person, Franchesca. Thank you for everything you do.

Jill said...

The flourishes are so beautiful! You have such a lovely heart! xx

The Blue Sparrow said...

So pretty! I think this is a great idea!

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO