
A Mother's Love is...

Supernaturally given
A gift
In a moment
Beyond words
Beyond the grave
Before birth

This was spinning through my head on my way home today. Empty arms and silence don't sit well with me. Lately I have a one-track mind, and it's almost always on one track... my Jenna.

And I know that a year is fast approaching, and I have no idea how to measure my healing, if there's even been any. Where will the world expect me to be at a year?

It still feels like only yesterday. The tears come easier today than they did the day after she died.

The price of a mother's love.

Worth every bit of it.


What would you add to a mother's love?


Anonymous said...

I believe that we feel our grief more deeply as time goes on because we are outside of the state of shock...its the reality that is settling in as we reach different milestones. I feel this pain, but you are right...its worth every bit of it. *hugs*

Jill said...

I think you perfectly described a mother's love. I know that as time goes on for me that it gets harder in many ways.

Courtney said...

I agree, I couldn't have expressed my love for my boys any better.

Thinking of you and precious Jenna!

Heather said...

I think your list is perfect!

Lori said...

I think 'miraculous' sums your list (and my feelings) perfectly....Holding your heart near! xoxo

Melissa said...

Awe, hugs! I hope you find peace on her angel day. Your list is amazing.

Holly said...

What a beautiful list!

I would say perfect.

The Blue Sparrow said...

What a beautiful list, I think its perfect as well. I dont think the world ,or at least I dont, expect you to be anywhere on the grief progress scale that your aernt ready to be. Give yourself the time you need. I dont think any of us heal the same or in the same time frame. If Jenna is the track your on then my friend, that is exactly where you should be. *HUGS*

amy said...

I agree,i dont think anyone has or should have expectations of what you should feel.My dear friend I cannot imagine your pain nor do i think I could indure it.Like i told you today take your time,feel what you feel and dont worry or care what others think.I love you and am always here for you.

Lauren said...

you stated it perfectly ... a mother's love is all those things and infinitely more ...

Once A Mother said...

i would add "engrained"

i often compare myself and my progress to where i think others think i should be too, but don't. where the world expects you to be is unrealistic. you are where you are, you are still here, still breathing, still waking up each day and looking for the good in life, still loving your sweet girl, still working on your faith, still supporting other mommas, still being a wonderful friend still, still, still. i am so proud of you franchesca. it is a heavy load we bear as babylost mommas, and you are still here. don't worry where those who have never carried this weight would put you at a year. you are still here.

sending so much love your way as the one year date approaches. Can you please email me your address at doinggoodinhername(at)gmail(dot)com. I have something I would love to send you.

Kristy said...

You described a mothers love perfectly. *hugs*

Lily Dawn said...

Faithful~ having faith in ourselves as mothers and faith that will be able to get through this life and see our beautiful daughters again one day =)

Beautiful list!

Prayers and hugs~ Lily

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO