
He Calmed the Storm

Today I was visiting a friend whose four year old girl recently got diagnosed with leukemia. It was a blessing to me just to be by her side. I got to talk about Jenna Belle and it made me happy. Then I realized how weak I really was and how God really upheld me. I also remembered fearing all the same fears my friend is now feeling. Then I remembered the calm. In the midst of such a storm, I vividly remember the LORD calming my storm. That helped me. I tend to forget all those moments of utter weakness that I had at the hospital, but today they came alive. I am so thankful to serve a wonderful Savior.


amy said...

fran-you are a strong,strong woman.at times you might not feel it or see it but you are glowing with it.Your strength&grace have truely inspired me.You and pete have shown fili&me the true power of the Lord.through the both of you we see what the Lord can do for us if we give it to him&accept his grace and strength.Thank you so much for all you have done for my daughter&how showing me its ok to cry,its ok to be scared,its ok to wonder but always give it to him&he will give you what you need to make it another second,another day....So i take it day by day&second by second and continue glorifying him....Thank you...

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO