
Jenna's First Easter

I woke up Easter morning and I knew after almost a year of holidays, that this one would be hard too. I knew that I was missing out on so much with her. I wanted to dress my baby girl up too. I wanted to buy her a huge stuffed bunny and lots of candy that her daddy would probably help finish. I wanted all that and more. We pulled into the church parking lot and I literally had to hold back the tears. I knew I would be bombarded with little girls dressed up in frilly dresses. I am tired of this world reminding me what I will never get with Jenna. I'm still there, just tired.

The one year mark is almost here, and I don't see it getting any easier. I take great comfort in doing things in her name. As long as I am literally doing something to make her memory live on, it helps my heart. I worked in her garden a little today, fertilizing it... we'll see how that goes ;)

I don't think there's a day lately that I don't ask God why. And He is so good, He just lets me. He is so patient, because I think He gets it. The longing, the broken heart, the desperation of wanting the nightmare to end. I am so glad He is not like me, I'd be sick of me by now. lol

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
-Isaiah 55:9


When I got on the computer yesterday and today, I received many delightful surprises that I never expected. It means so much that there are people who just get it. They get how much it means to see our baby's name. Everywhere, all day, all the time.

Thank you Danielle!

Thank you, Michelle!

{so adorable}

And thank you, Lisette!


I know these women must have spent so much time writing so many babies' names. Thank you ladies for making my heart skip a beat when I saw Jenna's name!!!


And I also wanted to take time to thank Beth for writing my Jenna's name with alphabet blocks! How adorable is that!
She even got a pony in there! ;)

And Jaime engraved Jenna's name in ice!! How cool is that! 

I am so terrible, because I received the last two pics more than a few days ago. I just wanted to publicly thank each of these beautiful women for remembering my Jenna Belle. There are no words to describe how it makes me feel. No words, simply thank you! 



Unknown said...

You are so welcome. After I had taken the first one in pink I remembered that her color is fuchsia, so I had to do another one. I hope they helped you to enjoy your Easter day.


Lisette said...

The holiday's are so hard, it just breaks my heart. I too wanted to dress up my little one and buy her a bunny.
He is great, I know not one day goes by that I do not feel him holding me up. I often have bad days that make me question why.

I am glad you liked her egg, I wouldn't of picked any other color but fushia for her! ((HUGS))

Sarita Boyette said...

Thinking of you and remembering Jenna Belle. Hope your heart heals a little day by day.Her gifts sure are pretty.

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful remembrances of your Jenna. i'm so sorry for how hard easter was for you and understand the feeling of tiredness. easter was my first holiday without Calvin last year, and it hurt so badly. ((hugs))

Mary said...

Saying you are "tired" is a perfect way to describe it. I feel tired of this road we are forced to walk. Bone tired. Weary.

Jill said...

Holidays are so hard and I keep thinking they will get easier, but they remain incredibly hard. I think we are constantly reminded of what we are missing out on and what we would be doing with our babies if they were here with us.

People are so sweet to send you surprises for Jenna. I know it brightened my Easter a bit to see my babies names. xo

Jen said...

adorable :) church was so hard for me too..I just had to focus on something (anything) else..Its almost one year for us too..its odd to think about that, sometimes its a lifetime and others its so fresh..You are doing such a wonderful job and Jenna is so proud of you, of all you are doing to help other BLM's.. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

*hugs* Thinking of you and Jenna.

With Out My Punkin said...

We have such a wonderful support "group" Thinking of you and your sweet Jenna ((hugs))

Melissa said...

I am sorry your weekend was hard, it seems like these times that are supposed to be happy are now the opposite - hopefully one day it will get a little easier.

carissa said...

i love all the pictures of her name. what a beautiful, beautiful name! i'm so sorry your weekend was hard. hugs and prayers for you!

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

What lovely, sweet photos - oh, they are so awesome. What a wonderful group of things to receive when you're down.

I hope that you're doing better after such a rough weekend - I know "better" is a relative term, but you know what I mean. Hugs to you.

Maggie said...

It's always great to see your baby's name. Thinking of you and sweet Jenna. (((HUGS)))

The Blue Sparrow said...

Each of them is so beautiful!

Holly said...

Don't you just love surprises!? Happy Easter Jenna

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO