
I've been here before

Something tells me I've been here before.

With the changing of seasons and the hint of fall in the air the familiarity of this drift haunts me.

Yet again.

The heat is still pretty intense in south Texas but slowly letting up. I'm itching to pull out my boots and scarves and maybe even go shopping for some new winter apparel.

As I watch the season slowly drift to our cool weather friend, it haunts me as does every big change that I am nothing without faith. Without faith I am no closer to her today than I was the day she died.

But I am closer to her today. I know it.

It's just not always easy to see it that way when everything around me convinces me that time is taking me further and further away.

And as I do so often these days I can only wonder...


Anonymous said...

Me too, my friend. Me too.

The other day I noticed a few leaves on the ground. There's still a lot of green at this point, but the gradual transition to fall has began, and it took me to last year. But last year I never saw the gradual change. One day, it was though I "woke up" and the trees were covered in shades of brown, gold, and red, and I had no idea when it had happened. I guess that's progress.

Thinking of you through the changing seasons. I don't know about you, but for me, the change to fall and winter is hardest. (((hugs)))

April said...

I understand what you mean. My Adam was born 1 day before Halloween last year and was taken to Heaven just 4 days later. The cooler breeze in the evening, the fall decorations, it all just makes my heart ache.

I love what you said here. " Without faith I am no closer to her today than I was the day she died." So true. I need to remember this myself.

Praying that you have some peace with the changing of the seasons this year!

Andrea said...

I agree...For without FAITH, I am nothing.

Seasons bring about so much reflection and this post brings me to tears. Beautifuly written.

Much Love and I pray your heart finds its way through yet another season of Life.


Mary said...

Fall will always remind me of her, and so I find myself happy to think of her, and aching to be with her. I wonder if it will always be this way. Part of me hopes so, because even when I miss her, I feel closer to her...

Lisette said...

Faith is the only thing that gets me through these days. I have to believe.
I can relate to this post so much. The fall for me is the hardest season to adjust to. I pray that with this new season you are warmed by HIS peace.

Jennifer said...

This time last year, I was blissfully blind to the dark winter that lay ahead for us. I reflect and remember not knowing the pain we now do!

Unknown said...

Your faith is so strong and she is so close to you. Don't forget that. This post really hit me for some reason and I know what you mean. Stay strong my friend!!!

Holly said...

This is a beautiful post! I love how you put it.

Mary said...

Yes this is a beautiful post.

Jenna's Name Slideshow

Thank you so much for emailing me pictures of my Jenna's name. It means so much that you took time to remember my Jenna with me. XO